Thursday, March 8, 2012


I love little things !! they are so easy to show (and store)   and make!!!! Right now --I am enjoying ATCs- because I am on the run ---- between Illinois and NC and Florida  no less --Should be fun all that traveling --- but  what makes for the running-- is not for fun---  Anyhooo   Here are two Atcs I have concocted on the run--I am also in a Matchbox swap..Shows  how into details I have been  --I read  March and St Pats came to mind---and--I bought a big match box  and tried to alter it--so I could put a few Little match boxs inside it with  tiny gifts--Anywayzzzz I hope I get an "Irish" partner --who loves all things Irish--cuz now I see--it is just a "March" swap---At least a wrong swap is better than NO swap right??OH MY -- back to Tweety---I need a hug!!!!


Sherry said...

Oh Jan, your matchbox - or should that be matchboxes look fantastic!! Lucky will be the person who gets them (I'm a quarter Irish, so maybe will be in with a chance - lol!!). The theme is 'shamrocks' so I think your matchbox is perfect.

Love your ATCs too - especially the face one. Hope you get everything sorted xx

Kai said...

Soooooo cool, my Jan! I MISSED YOU!!! Glad you are blogging so we can at least touch base. I come back - you go away. WAAAAAH! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you & Naughty will get all the 'business' sorted & be back sooooon! Your Kaidoodle LOVES YOU!