my youngest son Ron -who died unexpectedly in August!! You were always the spark plug at the family gatherings Our love for you will remian in our hearts
when my things appeal to my youngest grandaughter I find them in her room hoho I luv it-- Kids are my best critics..Now I have to make a polar bear as the kids fell in love with this bear-- when they went to Atlanta with their mom and if my plate isnt full enough We have umpteen birthdays in NOVEMBER!!!!
I actually worked on a doll til I finished her!! I love fall colors -- so maybe all the beautiful colored fat quarters inspired me??? OOps I forgot to show all the lil buttons I sewed on her..but I love the ornament she is holding..I have a request for a winter fairy like the red fiary oh my glad they dont want a duplicate!!!!!!!!
I cant seem to finish this lil red fairy I guess when I worry too much about the outcome!?!? I start to hesitate?? Anyway-- I took a break and pulled out a UFO..Of course I was going to take step by step pixs but welllll I did take a few..The doll's face was already peciled in so allI did was pull out my water color pecils and gave her dome color the I did a lil needle sculpting and I put on rust suade yarn for hair I love faces and on to the legs I loved the knee bead used so I went thru my fat quarters and found almost a match !! The I threw my fat quarter on the table and started her costume I like my legs a lil longer that this doll so I filled in the ankle which I covered and added a foot and made some shoes I was on a roll!!!
Just when I thot I was firmly into cloth-- and I was going to --put out a call -- SEND ME YOUR UFOS---I picked up a --clay UFO --of mine --and sat down to deal with her--WEll--- she is -- "clay and cloth"-- and she is a "promised" RED FAIRY-- for someone --who like me-- thot I would never get to her !?!? WELL hot done yet BUT SHE HAS COME A lONG WAY -- SOOOO maybe?? so WHAT SAY YOU??
Meant to say-- that neck scarf was another VELIA- MADE-- as of course is the orange dragon and colorful gal included OH MY WILL i ever get this right without oooops?
Got another box today!! No-- Not Ufo-s--- but a box of goodies none the least---from the ufo lady --herself -- Oh my -- its Christmas already... I am putting up a pix of a few of my favorite things ---Thanks Velia---ps the black neck scarf was handmade by Velia and there is a gold parsely leaf pin on it -- there is also some of the lace she sent me -- but it doesnt show up --
Remember her?? Well her she is finished!! A lil Flower fairy --Who has become --the protector of this lil bird!! Most probably from KAT!! The Lady Kat-- finished before this-- Well really-- Kat should be in California by now-- So "birdie" is safe -- for now-- Hmmmm I decided not to add legs She sits very well -and- she makes a neat wall hanging!!!!The lil fairy that is~~ Cut my hand so the next lil dolly-- in the UFO box --will have to wait--- I can one finger--- peck and-type ---but I need both hands to create and I dont want blood all over-------- WHO--- comes next>>>>
Kevin is our clayer..He has done many cool model like his mouse last year or his man for ancient history in paper clay!! and Kami is our sewer having made a doll and attempting crochet here and is not on a quilt!! What FUN messe we make!!